Since Consileon was founded, we have placed great emphasis on diversifying our sources of income and minimizing entrepreneurial risk. With this policy, we have grown steadily. Today, a total of 450 Consileans are committed to our clients at 16 locations in five European countries.
Consileon was founded on May 01, 2001. On this occasion, we also gave ourselves a new claim, which describes our mission perfectly: Solutions for tomorrow. Today.
The Consileon Group expands through the spin-off of "Consileon Applied Business GmbH" and the establishment of additional offices in Frankfurt and Hanover.
The Consileon Group acquires a stake in aye4fin.
With Lüdke + Döbele GmbH, the Consileon Group continues to expand. Since October, Dr. Alexander Erdland has been strengthening our team of consultants.
FiANTEC GmbH (formerly ELAXY Format GmbH) is now part of the Consileon Group. Consileon turns 15 on May 01.
Dr. Klaus von Dohnanyi has been a member of the Advisory Board since the beginning of the year.
Klaus von Dohnanyi
Consileon Business Solutions is founded. With Jürgen Chrobog, the Advisory Board is expanded by another well-known member.
Jürgen Chrobog
Since January 2013, the business consultancy ajco has been part of the Consileon Group.
Strategic stake in the Wiesbaden-based consulting firm syracom.
Opening of a branch office in Salzburg.
The management and IT consulting firm celebrates a decade of profitable growth.
Office opening Wolfsburg in April, Dresden in July
The number of employees reaches 150 with sixty clients.
Consileon advertises for the first time on the perimeter of the KSC stadium and renews its website. Office opening in Düsseldorf.
The workforce reaches three figures, including eighty consultants. Development of the motto: In your interest. At your side.
The customer base now includes a total of thirty well-known banks, insurers, trading houses, automotive manufacturers and suppliers.
Foundation of the subsidiary Consileon Frankfurt and Consileon Polska, which specializes in IT services.
Establishment of a software development office in Kiev.
Opening of an office in Frankfurt am Main. At the end of the year, the company has twelve customers and almost fifty permanent employees.
Foundation of the subsidiary Consileon Switzerland in Oberwil near Basel.
In May 2001, Consileon Business Consultancy in Karlsruhe begins operations with seven consultants. The company operates profitably right from the start.