How the connection succeeds in omni-channel insurance distribution
The insurance industry is changing rapidly. Accelerated technical innovation cycles, the mobile revolution through tablets and smartphones, but also the aggressive appearance of new competitors from the net have fundamentally changed the rules of the game in the competition for customer favour. The best example of the upheavals is the rise of Check24. Within a very short time, the comparison portal succeeded in breaking through market structures that had grown over decades. There is much to suggest that Check24 is only the beginning. Because the digital revolution has only just begun. Insurers will have to rethink their sales organisation in the future, implement a comprehensive omni-channel strategy and overcome the boundaries between analogue and digital sales channels. This is not just about a defence strategy to secure their existence. At the moment, the sales of most players are still determined by historically grown sales structures – for example, exclusivity organisations, broker organisations, sales companies or cooperations with banks. For years, however, the growth momentum has been coming not from stationary but from direct sales. Insurers like Gothaer are drawing their conclusions from this development. They no longer see analogue and digital channels as separate worlds, but are trying to integrate online sales into traditional sales structures.
Learn more in our article Viele Kanäle, eine Strategie (engl.: Many channels, one strategy | The article is in German.) from the magazine “Versicherungswirtschaft”.