Andreas Grau is one of the “Top 25 Cybersecurity Consultants & Leaders 2024”
Congratulations to Andreas Grau for being named one of the 25 best consultants and managers of 2024 in the category of cybersecurity.
Companies in mechanical and plant engineering have undergone an impressive development from pure mechanics to the integration of electronics. In the industrial environment, progressive digitalisation has led to an ever stronger linking of machines, electronics and software. Especially in mechanical and plant engineering, by applying the principles of mechatronic product development, the industrial software development plays an increasingly central role. This third stage of evolution challenges us to fully exploit the potential of digitalisation.
It is not about filling buzzwords like Digital Engineering or Industry 4.0 with further interpretations. In concrete terms, we are aiming to introduce workflows and processes that enable companies in the mechanical and plant engineering sector to develop software on an industrial scale. Their own software!
Industrial software development is of crucial importance for mechanical and plant engineering. It enables flexibility and efficiency gains with high quality. This makes it possible to effectively deal with unexpected changes in product development and the overall project. In this context, challenges such as increased complexity and high safety and sustainability requirements must be mastered. The prospects are promising, as the integration of software solutions and the further development of digital technologies will continue to transform the industry. It is therefore essential that companies in mechanical and plant engineering as well as mechatronic product development recognise the importance of industrial software development and invest in the relevant resources and expertise.
Focus on mechanical and plant engineering
Target-performance analysis with recommendations for action and knowledge transfer
Support for concrete implementation in current or new projects
See us as a supporter in your transformation process. As a professional implementation partner with in-depth IT know-how, who will find a pragmatic solution to the question of how to set up, optimise and operate a software development that is right for you and achieve good results.
Whether in a classic, regulated or agile environment: as one of the leading IT consulting and implementation companies, we know all the advantages and disadvantages of modern, industrial software development from practical experience.
With over 20 years of experience in the automotive, pharmaceutical, financial and public sectors, we have developed a unique set of methods to bridge the gap between the current status quo and future requirements.
Is it the right strategy? Is it IT knowledge? Is it process knowledge?
Is it control knowledge?
Here it is mostly just a matter of closing gaps! Has everything been thought of? Is a real bottleneck of the customer or his customers being addressed? Have meta-developments such as AI, cloud analytics, data analytics or cyber security been taken into account? Is a real digital business model visible?
There is often a lack of concrete how-to knowledge! How do you programme an AI support? How do you manage a cloud that also provides information security? How do you create digital models to inspire customers or support service staff with VR/AR? What does a sustainable software architecture look like?
Anyone can develop software – it takes many attempts to achieve a result! But how do you manage such a process? How do you version the software artefacts? How do you link process description with software development and automated tests? How do you monitor software? How does maintenance work? How can services be designed in such a way that they can be switched off again without affecting the overall system?
Agile is on everyone’s lips. But have you ever tried to develop a mechatronic product in the regulated sector using agile methods? It doesn’t work! There are questions like: Can we still start the project? Do we have the resources? Where is the bottleneck? What resources do you have to provide? When do you have to start in order to meet the completion date? How do you guarantee adherence to deadlines? How can you see where you can improve processes with a few simple steps so that future projects run better? And all this without getting bogged down in micromanagement.
Above everything lies the question: Where do you get the resources for all these activities and initiatives? You can only solve this problem if you are attractive as an employer and deploy your staff in such a way that they can do something meaningful every day. All four points pay off in achieving more results through high efficiency, with fewer resources, without unnecessary pressure. A win-win situation for all involved!
It starts with an assessment of the current situation within the framework of a digital due diligence and additionally a benchmark against around 400 DACH companies.
The result provides clarity about the starting position in your company. Your digitalisation goals will be plausibilised and your ability to achieve them will be assessed. In addition, you will receive an assessment from our experienced BlueDolphin partners as to which potentials can be raised through the implementation of established bottleneck management methods.
This preliminary work results in a detailed implementation plan with the necessary investment framework.
In the proven partnership between BlueDolphin and Consileon, we focus on a transparent presentation of the current state in international comparison, the definition of the target state and the implementation of the defined measures to achieve the goal of a high-performance, industrial software development.
You can read all the information in our flyer.
Our experts will be happy to advise you on this.
Wolfram Müller, expert for self-organised change and bottleneck management. More than 40 companies, from start-ups to medium-sized businesses to corporations, have benefited from his knowledge and methods. The results are always similar: + 50 % more projects with the same resources and at least – 25 % reduction of project durations within a few weeks.
Wolfram Müller
Founder of BlueDolphin
+49 171 5651821
Congratulations to Andreas Grau for being named one of the 25 best consultants and managers of 2024 in the category of cybersecurity.
In the modern business world, it is imperative to ensure information security. By introducing an ISMS in accordance with ISO 27001, organizations ranging from micro-enterprises to large corporations can adequately protect their data and meet regulatory requirements where necessary.
Consileon’s innovative AI solution makes it easier for players in the financial sector to comply with legal, technical and internal requirements.