Consileon as employer

Consileon may be smaller than the companies that come to mind when you think of management consultancies, but we prove our competence time and again when Lünendonk, brand eins or the Handelsblatt award us for our outstanding performance. We manage to do this again and again because our owner and managing director has been consistently looking for the best university graduates for 20 years and offers them all the development opportunities that help young people advance. Just as he himself experienced after his studies at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).

Today, the Consileon Group has more than 460 employees working at various locations for a wide range of customers. As a result, the team has been able to generate a combined total of 76 million euros, creating a stable basis for coping with the vagaries of the market.

Kollegen arbeiten zusammen an einem Projekt.

Consileon is one of the best employers 2024

Honoured! We have been named “Top Company 2024” by kununu. Only 5 per cent of more than 1 million registered employers qualify for this seal. Above-average and current ratings from employees are the decisive factor.
We are delighted to have been recognised by the employer rating platform and hope that this will make us even more attractive to young talent and job seekers.

We are a team of forward thinkers, strategists and visionaries who not only want to deliver high-quality consulting services at all times – we also have a lot to offer our employees.

Interested in a job with us?

This way!

Why is Consileon a special employer?

Consileans create real added value

Our customers don’t get clever sayings or long checklists from us. We go into the plants and implement our customers’ ideas and projects – right down to the last handshake.

If you want to implement your own ideas, you’ve come to the right place. Supervisors and colleagues encourage our employees to think independently and thus advance the entire company. That’s why we have a flat hierarchy and rely on dialog – not pressure.

Our organization is as dynamic as our projects. Nothing is set in stone – and there’s plenty of scope to contribute your own ideas. Because we rely on our employees to think for themselves, we get by with few rules.

Consileaner schaffen echte Mehrwerte

Learn something new every day at Consileon

You want to develop yourself professionally. Then we are the right place for you. You want to lead a team or even take responsibility for an account. Then you are just as right with us. It all depends on your preferences and wishes.

A course of study lays the foundation, but it can’t equip you with everything you need for everyday life. That’s why we consistently focus on the further training of our employees: with internal training courses as well as with a budget for personal development.

Since we are not tied to a single industry or specific software products, you will gain insight into a wide range of topics, problems and methods. You’ll only learn part of what it takes to be a consultant at university. We train our employees systematically so that they learn everything you need as a consultant and are up to date.

Jeden Tag Neues lernen bei Consileon

Your start into the daily project routine

Experienced consultants accompany your start at Consileon, so that you can quickly familiarize yourself with your first customer project. Of course, this also applies in the further course of a project change. For us, it goes without saying that we support each other, and so our managers, project managers and colleagues are happy to step into the breach.

On our projects, we use younger colleagues together with experienced consultants whenever possible. The line to the superior and the access to the knowledge of the company are thus conceivably short.

Ihr Start in den Projektalltag mit den anderen Consileanern


It is still true that your work location depends on your customer. In the Corona crisis, as in many companies, this has changed dynamically and at the moment the majority of our colleagues work from home offices. However, we expect that this will change again, at least in part, so we cannot guarantee home offices. But we will try to accommodate your preferences as much as possible.

We do not expect you to change your place of residence. If an on-site assignment is necessary, we will arrange accommodation in a hotel or project apartment so that you can stay in your familiar surroundings outside of the project assignment.

What you will not find at Consileon are status symbols. We do not fly business class. Consileans can be found on second class trains on a sustained basis. We also do without expensive business cars or prestigious offices in city centers. This binds us together and supports our pragmatic approach – and helps us to emerge stronger from crises.

If you’ve read up on the consulting industry or are already part of it, then you know that consultants predominantly provide their services at the client’s location. This is no different with us. Basically, you work on weekdays in your team somewhere in Germany, Austria or Switzerland on the current project. We do not have the classic jour fixe (usually Friday) at the branch office. That’s why we don’t care where you live – whether Hamburg, Cologne, Frankfurt, Munich or Buxtehude. If you don’t have to be with the customer, you can work at home. The regular company events, which take place in small groups or remotely in times of pandemic, offer the opportunity to exchange ideas with colleagues who are deployed in other locations.

Reisen gehört in jeder Unternehmensberatung, also auch Consileon, dazu

Work-life balance

If you decide to become a consultant, then you are aware that you will not get a nine-to-five job. We don’t normally offer the free Fridays that some consultancies promise. But we also don’t expect you to complete your five-day workload in four days. And your superiors make sure that unhealthy peaks remain the exception, because we have long since understood that only those who regenerate properly can return to top performance in their projects.

Ein Ausgleich von Arbeit und Freizeit ist uns bei Consileon wichtig.

A team – not only at work


Modern solutions for laboratories

Many laboratories hold on to old LIS because they believe they have no alternative, even though this harbours risks such as the loss of experts and rising maintenance costs.

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