Consileon as employer

As a medium-sized management and IT consultancy, Consileon solves challenging technology-related problems for our first-class customers. If you would like to contribute your ideas to this, you have come to the right place.
We encourage our Consileans to think independently and thus advance the entire company. In addition to exciting customer projects, you can expect flat hierarchies, a family-like working environment, and short decision-making paths.
Both our client projects and our organization thrive on market dynamics. Nothing is set in stone, and the freedom to follow your own impulses is correspondingly great.
We are a team of go-getters, forward thinkers, strategists, and visionaries who always want to deliver high-quality consulting services and have a lot to offer our colleagues.

Kollegen arbeiten zusammen an einem Projekt.

Why is Consileon a special employer?

Creating added value and learning new things

We don’t give our clients clever slogans or long checklists. We implement their ideas and projects to the highest quality standards, down to the last detail.
Since we are not tied to a single industry or specific software products, you will gain insights into various topics and methods.

What you need as a consultant is only partly taught at university. That’s why we provide our Consileans with systematic further training so that they learn everything they need to keep their finger on the pulse.

Consileaner schaffen echte Mehrwerte

No up-or-out, but stay-and-grow

At Consileon, we do not believe in the up-or-out principle because it causes us to lose knowledge and talent as a company. We want our employees to feel at home at Consileon and in their position – only then can they perform well.

Do you want to develop professionally? Then you’ve come to the right place! Do you want to lead a team or take responsibility for a customer account? Then you’ve come to the right place, too! At Consileon, you can pursue both a technical and a management career path. Both are possible, depending on your preferences and personal aptitude.

Jeden Tag Neues lernen bei Consileon

Your start in the project business

Mutual support and a good induction are a matter of course for us. Experienced colleagues will, therefore, accompany you during your start at Consileon so that you can quickly find your way into your first customer project. Of course, this also applies in the further course of your work, for example, when you change projects.

Whenever possible, we assign less experienced colleagues to customer projects together with more seasoned Consileans to ensure a good mix of teams and an efficient transfer of knowledge.

Ihr Start in den Projektalltag mit den anderen Consileanern


In recent years, the world of work has undergone dynamic changes, so most Consileans work from home offices. However, your specific place of work still depends on your respective customer project. The frequency of on-site work at the customer’s premises varies from project to project, so we cannot offer and guarantee pure home office jobs. However, we will try to accommodate your preferences if possible.

We do not expect you to change your place of residence—where exactly you live in Germany is not important to us. However, if an assignment far from your place of residence should become necessary, we will provide you with accommodation in a hotel or a project apartment.

Reisen gehört in jeder Unternehmensberatung, also auch Consileon, dazu

Down-to-earth attitude and pragmatism

You will not find any status symbols at Consileon. Our consultants do not fly business class but travel sustainably in second class. We also do without expensive company cars or prestigious offices. This brings us together and underlines our down-to-earth attitude and pragmatism.

Work-life balance

If you choose the consulting business, be aware that you will not have a nine-to-five job. At Consileon, however, we do not expect our employees to work 60 hours a week either. Our managers and project leaders ensure that unhealthy workload spikes remain the exception because we have long understood that proper regeneration is a prerequisite for top performance in your daily work.

Ein Ausgleich von Arbeit und Freizeit ist uns bei Consileon wichtig.

Consileon is one of the best employers 2024

Excellent! We have been named a “Top Company 2024” by kununu. Above-average and current ratings from our colleagues were the deciding factors for this.

We are very happy to have received this award from the employer review platform again and hope that it will make us even more attractive to young professionals and job seekers.

Zwei Consileaner brainstormen Ideen auf einer Tafel mit der Hilfe von farbigen Post-It Notes
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A team – not only at work

Information security at the highest level

With TISAX, the ENX Association offers a standardised platform for the mutual acceptance of information security assessments in the automotive industry on behalf of the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA).

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