Christina Klingenmayer, Senior Consultant
With my heart in Karlsruhe and with joy in the project in Lower Saxony: Since spring 2019, I have been working as a senior consultant and project manager in the automotive sector – the first year I enjoyed the benefits of “being on the road” as a commuter and currently I manage my projects from the home office.
…something to do with ‘important documents.’
When I am satisfied with what I am doing; when I can look forward to my job and meet new challenges.
Via a job ad on Xing.
Energy management and on-the-job MBA studies
Senior Consultant
Going out for a nice meal with my loved ones, enjoying nature, skiing, listening to music and playing the piano.
Have more confidence. Every new job is also associated with new challenges – only in this way can you develop further and, in retrospect, the “new and unknown” at the time is no longer so wild. Always remember what you have already achieved…