
Business models subjected to scrutiny

Portrait von Ralph Hientzsch
Tel.: +49 173 6540128 How can we reach you?

Ralph Hientzsch

Managing Partner Consileon Frankfurt and Consileon Switzerland
Tel.: +49 151 15784444 How can we reach you?

Dr. Michael Reich

Head of Financial Services

Facing change and moving confidently towards the future

A decade after the financial crisis, the Corona pandemic has plunged the global economy into its worst crisis since World War II. Not all of the consequences are yet visible, but some lessons can already be learned. Whether it’s for home offices or online shopping, there’s been a noticeable increase in the acceptance of digital interaction. The hybrid customer is therefore becoming a permanent reality for financial service providers. As a consequence, customer journeys and closing habits are changing. At the same time, as individual FinTechs become more successful, margins from customer business will decline. What are the specific challenges and consequences for banks and their business model? Will they succeed in tapping additional earnings potential via new services? Which competitors will strengthen their position and which financial service providers will drop out of the competition?

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What strategic answers and initiatives will banks, asset managers, specialist institutions, FinTechs, and insurers find in the next few years to ensure their survival and profitability? The race for the best business models, the most efficient end-to-end processes, and the most flexible IT to transform customer data into new services is in full swing. At the same time, the race for the most flexible organizational structures has begun. Change management expertise is becoming a core discipline for financial service providers in the new decade. Consileon has been advising leading financial service providers internationally and nationally since 2001 and has received many awards for its projects.

To find strategic answers and address the right initiatives for these challenges, Consileon has developed and published numerous studies in the fields of Retail Banking, Private Banking and Wealth Management, Sustainability, SME, Corporate Banking, Asset Management, Investment Banking/Capital Markets, Insurance and Change Management.

If you are interested in these insights, we invite you to download them here. Your contact persons at Consileon are looking forward to talking to you. Feel free to contact us via Ralph Hientzsch, Managing Director Consileon Frankfurt.

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Recent studies and publications

On the trail of the fraudsters

Driven by globalization and digitalization, the fraud schemes faced by financial institutions are becoming increasingly complex, while the costs of combating and preventing them are rising steadily. The use of novel technologies such as Artificial Intelligence has enormous potential to successfully overcome these challenges. Our 3-step phase model shows you exactly how this can work.

Ein Wanderpaar erreicht feiernd den Gipfel des Berges

Retail Banking 2025 Study

Our study “Retail Banking 2025 – Becoming a High Performer through Customer Delight” supports retail banks in sustainably improving their performance in retail banking with the help of the holistic Consileon 4C model. The model takes an integrative view of strategy and implementation and places a strong focus on the bank’s execution and transformation capabilities.

SME 2022, Herausforderungen im digitalen Wandel

Corporate Banking 2022

Corporate customers are a desirable object in the currently low-margin banking sector – but only if they have top credit ratings, do not hold high demand deposits, are not subject to seasonal fluctuations, and only invest in EU member states with very good country ratings.

Segments in focus

Mann mit Tablet

Wealth Management

We are convinced that wealth management is subject to considerable pressure to change. We have identified some core trends for you.

Mann der sein Jackett zuknöpft

Corporate customers

Business customers and banks are at a crossroads. Rapid changes in customer preferences, increasing regulation, and the ongoing low-interest phase pose challenges for banks.

Straße bei Nacht mit viel Verkehr

Corporate Banking

In times of regulation, low interest rates, digitization and new competition from fintechs, corporate banking is undergoing major changes that are having a negative impact on profitability despite rising demand for credit.

Retail Banking

The challenges of retail banking.
We have analyzed the current trends and offer sustainable solutions.

Asset Management

The asset management industry is facing considerable challenges. We analyzed the most important trends.

SME 2022, Herausforderungen im digitalen Wandel

SME 2022

Our empirical study “SME 2022 – Challenges in the Digital Transformation” is designed to support institutions in tackling the realignment of the SME segment in a targeted, efficient and sustainable manner.

Focus topics

Abstraktes Bild


The everyday life of our society is increasingly influenced by digitalization. While the baby boomer generation is increasingly enjoying digitization, digital natives are already used to being able to control all communication and business on the move from their smartphones.

Mann unterschreibt ein Vertrag

Post Merger Integration

In the course of increasing consolidation of the banking market, the number of mergers/acquisitions is expected to rise significantly in the coming years. Smaller (private) banks in particular do not have the critical mass to be able to generate sufficient returns in the long term.

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