Using IT in a targeted way

3D content: Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), App development or even Customer-Relationship-Management (CRM) . Only those who keep up with current trends remain relevant.

Our IT experts advise you on the use of new technologies around the automotive industry. Thanks to our nearshore developers, we can offer you complete software solutions.

IT-Arbeitsplätze hinter einer Glasscheibe., Ein Büro voller Computer Bildschirme

3D content: VR, AR

We support you in presenting your content and topics with virtual or augmented reality. By simply adding an additional layer to reality and thus enabling interaction with 3D content, completely new opportunities and possibilities arise to convey your content to your customers.

When you hear virtual reality, the first thing you probably think of is the virtual worlds of a computer game or science fiction movies. The user sees a real-time representation of an interactive, virtual world. However, there are differences in the implementation of 3D content. One must divide virtual representation into Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR), and Virtual Reality (VR). AR is integrated into reality and thus enhances real objects with digitally generated information. You can already find these on smartphones or tablets as part of apps for location-based services (e.g. Google Maps). You may also remember Google Glass. MR goes beyond just information retrieval and not only integrates digital information into the real world but overlays real objects with virtual ones, opening up whole new possibilities for representation.

VR goes the furthest. Here, VR glasses and special VR software are used to create a completely new, digital environment in which the user can “immerse” himself. There are many opportunities to integrate this technology into the working world. For example, meetings or lectures can take place in virtual, three-dimensional rooms in which the environment can be thematically adapted. Car dealerships can also be further developed through digitization and VR. “Why should customers still go to car dealerships in the future if they can also be presented in virtual spaces?” An episode of our podcast (On the pulse of time – the automotive industry in transition) is devoted to precisely this question. The Connected Digital Showroom serves as an example. The sales floor of the future sends customers on an interactive journey through manufacturers’ product and brand worlds.

Possible applications and benefits of AR and VR

  • VR in self-experimentation (test scenarios including hardware, software, use cases)
  • Economic efficiency and benefits of the use of VR
  • Identification of potential target markets and use cases
  • Improvement of process efficiency, quality improvement
  • Create competitive advantage
  • Emotionalization of products
  • Create more customer proximity
  • Develop new business models
  • Increase customer and employee loyalty
  • Enable greater presentation of information
  • VR consulting: integration into project management
  • Promote content creation

App development

Studies on the success and failure of IT projects repeatedly show that the proportion of failed IT projects is as high as 50 %. If you compare large IT projects with large construction projects, IT projects run off the rails about twice as fast as construction projects. This is to the detriment of the budget or the time frame. It is therefore worth paying more attention to the management of software projects.

As more and more data has to be collected, stored and processed, the IT landscapes of large organizations have grown massively over the last few years. Especially at the interfaces between the systems, problems often occur in practice. As a result, many strategic IT projects are looking at replacing monolithic legacy systems with modern microservice architectures. However, migration projects fail primarily due to poor planning and project content that is too comprehensive. The implementation of artificial intelligence and big data are no longer distant visions of the future, but reality in IT departments – although actual added value often fails to materialize due to a lack of strategic orientation. An iterative approach and the right integration into your existing IT landscape as well as into the individual processes of your organization are the keys to success.

Our offer for IT strategies (excerpt)

  • Development of an IT strategy for product data management
  • App development for iOS and Android
  • Technical operation and hosting of a social community app
  • IT portfolio management and IT governance to optimize your investments
  • Project management office (PMO) for successful project management


The importance of smartphones is increasing, and with it the number of times websites are accessed via mobile devices. To ensure a customer-centric approach, new concepts and solutions must always be implemented according to customer preference, usually “mobile-first”. Compared to conventional websites, apps offer advantages in terms of usability and data storage and open up new opportunities for long-term customer retention and activation through features such as push messages. Frequent updates and quick reactions to user wishes often determine the success or failure of a project, which is why technological competence, customer understanding and process reliability must go hand in hand.

IT projects can be divided into the phases below, in which we will be happy to support you

  • Concept phase – from design to your own app with experienced product owners.
  • Design – interaction of UX and UI.
  • Programming your custom app with our nearshore developers (see e-mobility calculator)
  • Test management and data quality management
  • Marketing and sales in interaction with agile methods: including Scrum, Sprints, etc.
  • Maintenance and updates

CRM solutions

Are you already using Salesforce as a customer relationship management (CRM) system or would you like to enter the Salesforce world for the first time? Then you will find the right solution with us – from implementation to customized extensions of your system to support.

But what is Salesforce? Salesforce is a global leader in cloud technologies. Customer relationship management programs have become powerful tools for many sectors in different industries . They help you manage, analyze and maintain marketing, sales and service to work faster and more efficiently. Focusing on existing customers can prove to be more effective than acquiring new ones. Therefore, with the help of the CRM program, you can focus on customer relationship management and customer care, among other things. It connects all business processes, communication channels and company departments that are in direct contact with customers.

You buy the required building blocks of the program from the cloud service provider and can then integrate them into your existing IT architecture. In this way, you scale your system cost-effectively. Because it is a very complex technology, sometimes companies are unable to exploit its full potential without the appropriate know-how . The introduction must therefore be very well prepared, both organizationally and technically. And that’s exactly where our experts can help you.

Your advantages when using our CRM solutions

  • Transparency: Maintain an overview of all collected data
  • Optimization: increase productivity and efficiency through automations
  • Decision-making: create forecasts with metrics, analytics and AI
  • Create bonds: Overview of all customers, partners and employees in one tool


Parkplatz mit Schulbüssen

Development of digital sales products

Operational management of the content creation process of e-mobility content on the website of an automotive manufacturer and optimization of the content as part of the transition to the new brand design.

Elektromobilität im Alltag

Digital marketing support

In the context of the e-mobility turnaround, Consileon supports OEMs in building innovative business models and sales products.

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